Books I Read in the First Quarter of 2021

My goal was to read to read 60 books in 2021.  Three months in and I have read 24 books.  Is this the year that I break 100 books?  We shall see.  Below is what I have completed in the first quarter of the year:

Note: I borrowed most of these books from one of several local libraries.  If you click on a link and buy a books from Powell’s I receive nothing.  I am just linking to an independent online bookseller because I am down on Amazon.

3 responses to “Books I Read in the First Quarter of 2021

  1. Pingback: First Quarter Progress on My 2021 Personal Goals | My Green Misadventure

  2. Pingback: Books I Read in the Third Quarter | My Green Misadventure

  3. Pingback: Books I Read in the Fourth Quarter of 2021 | My Green Misadventure

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